2021 June - Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar | Laboratory and internship updates

On 8 June 2021, UNIROMA1, AF ZG, and UNMO organised a blended meeting session to evaluate the final updates of the new facilities installed at the University of Mostar.

UNMO"s local coordinator highlighted that the laboratories are function and that the equipment plays an important role in upgrading the practical skills of the students. The academic staff members of UNMO prepared video tutorials of the selected devices. These videos will be shared on the project dissemination channels. Maja Popovac indicated that UNMO is exerting important efforts to collaborate with local stakeholders. UNIROMA1 highlighted the importance of documenting all the activities correctly and reminded UNMO of respecting the guidelines for report submission and for the final reporting. AF ZG also presented a document "Health, Healthy City, Healthy Urban Planning, Universal Design, Healthy Urban Environment, and Reality?". This document will be shared with the project partners as a part of the data that supports HURBE courses and internships. AF ZG also underlined the importance of linking the course"s theoretical activities and the internship"s practical tasks. At the end of the meeting, the programme country university members invited UNMO"s local coordinator to define the dates for proceeding with the monitoring visits.