Specific Objectives

Work Packages
The HURBE project is divided in 7 Work Packages (WP).
- WP1. Startup: needs on degree programmes and credit transfer (Lead Partner: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture - HR)
- WP2. Training of Trainers on Healthy Urban Environment (Lead Partner: University of Sarajevo - BIH)
- WP3. Permanent laboratories (Lead Partner: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture - HR)
- WP4. Educational modules on Healthy Urban Environment (Lead Partner: University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy - BG)
- WP5. Quality Assurance, monitoring service and Sustainability (Lead Partner: Sapienza University of Rome - IT)
- WP6. Dissemination and exploitation (Lead Partner: Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar - BIH)
- WP7. Management of project activities (Lead Partner: Sapienza University of Rome - IT)
Work Packages Aims
WP1. Startup: needs on degree programmes and credit transfer
- Analysing the programmes in the HEIs of the Partner Country to facilitate credit transfer and course accreditation.
- Analysing how the HURBE topic is dealt with in the teaching courses in the Consortium Faculties, to contribute in the exchange of experience and expertise and analyse how the content is perceived by the students.
WP2. Training of Trainers on Healthy Urban Environment
- Increasing the competences of local trainers (professors, assistants, PhD students) in the Healthy Urban Environment topic. The training aims to prepare the trainers of the future in an intercultural, international and interdisciplinary dimension.
WP3. Permanent laboratories
- Upgrading facilities by installing permanent laboratories of HURBE that support the implementation of innovative practices for the teaching methods and the development of new services - for HEI and other institutions - in the Bosnian Universities. This creates a sustainable funding resource by offering services to external clients even after the project lifetime. The WP installs one permanent laboratory dedicated to Healthy Urban Environment in each Bosnian University (total 3 laboratories).
WP4. Educational modules on Healthy Urban Environment
- Designing the education modules for students, prepared according to the International Quality Standard for HEIs. The module of n. 8 ECTS will be an elective course and it will be provided in classroom and with students’ attendance at UNSA, UNZE and UNMO. They will ask for the accreditation of the second module, if necessary, or its inclusion in existing teaching programs, according to the National and European regulations.
- Designing the 1 ECTS MOOC module for a large number of students to the Healthy Urban Environment topic be delivered online through the HURBE Platform.
WP5. Quality Assurance, monitoring service and Sustainability
- Ensure that all project activities are carried out with the highest possible standards and that the project objectives are reached efficiently. This will involve the evaluation of project progress, which requires the precise definition of indicators, monitoring procedures and adapted tools by the Steering and Scientific Committee at the beginning of the project. Therefore, throughout the project lifetime, the members will be aware of defined standards that should be met for each task they carry out and the achievement methods of those standards within the allocated time.
WP6. Dissemination and exploitation
- Put in place necessary tools for the dissemination and exploitation activities of the outcome and the intermediate and final results of the HURBE project. This WP is a key element of the project to guarantee its spread and exposure. The project activities should reach the widest possible public to ensure the sustainability of actions beyond the project’s lifetime, and therefore maximize its impact.
WP7. Management of project activities
- The WP is conceived and set for assuring the overall operational and financial coordination of the project. All partners will take part in the WP implementation, participating in management structures and being involved in the direct coordination of local activities.
Work Packages and Tasks