2021 May - UNIMED call for experts

HURBE network extends collaborations with international academic staff members

HURBE network is in continuous expansion and the project partners are actively collaborating with international stakeholders. Within the framework of creating interdisciplinary didactic courses and with the aim of enhancing the internationalization of higher education, UNIMED has launched a call to invite academic staff members and experts in the fields of civil engineering, architecture, and urbanism to participate in the project by delivering an online lecture or presenting an experience in the field of ""Healthy Urban Environment"", as a part of the undergraduate courses of ”Healthy Urban Environment” at the Bosnian universities.

International scholars of the field have to choose one of the topics defined by the Bosnian professors and scientific committee team in order to guarantee full alignment with the content and objectives of the HURBE courses. This opens the door for wider exposure of the partner HEIs students and enhances international collaboration potential in the field of higher education. It also strengthens the link between academic and non-academic stakeholders.

Call for lectures and seminars can be found on UNIMED"s website (Available until 25.05.2021).