2021 November - Final evaluation meeting

As the project approaches its end, project partners organized an online meeting, to present the final quality reports and to agree on the final steps.

The meeting was organized on 4.11.2021. The seven workpackages were presented by the workpackage leaders:
  • Accountability and financial considerations, Financial Auditor
  • WP1 Quality report, Af ZG
  • WP2 Quality report, UNSA
  • WP3 Quality report, Af ZG
  • WP4 Quality report, UACEG
  • WP5 Quality report, UNIROMA1
  • WP6 Quality report, UNZE
  • WP7 Quality report, UNIROMA1
  • FinalĀ  quality considerations
  • Project reporting and management aspects
Each Workpackage leader underlined the delivered outputs and outcomes in terms of quality, timeline, etc. They highlighted the performance of the WP"s in comparison to the initial project proposal, including all modifications, corrective measures and/or upgrades, and highlighting the indicators of progress and how they were measured.