2021 June - Zagreb Meeting conclusion

The third day of the meeting was dedicated to course monitoring, MOOC and HURBE conference

The meeting was attended by partners from UNIROMA, UNZE, UNMO and UNIZG in person, with online participation of partners from UNSA and UACEG.
The results of the monitoring visits made by UACEG to monitor the courses in Mostar and Zenica were reported by the representatives from Sofia. The representatives from Zagreb monitored the courses in UNSA. The impressions were positive and everyone agreed that students expressed high commitment to their tasks.
The consortium partners discussed what has been achieved and what else should be improved in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which was installed and published using the Moodle platform at the project web page.
The conference papers were distributed to the Scientific committee members for review. The complete reviewing process is managed through an online conference management system EasyChair. The preparations of the conference are being realized according to the plan.
Despite the fact that project is in the final phase, all partners are very motivated and dedicated to their tasks. The next meeting is planned to be organized in Sofia in mid July.